Philip Swart Philip Swart

Giving CPR to a Pregnant Woman

“What do I do if the victim is pregnant?” This is a common question that Emergency Care Instructors hear during CPR and AED topics. Just like with any other victim, it’s better to provide care than to do nothing at all. In fact, you won’t perform CPR or use the AED any differently than you would with a non-pregnant person. Here’s some information to better understand how a woman’s body adapts during pregnancy and considerations to take when providing emergency care.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

First Aid Adaptations for Pregnancy

First aid is not always a one-size-fits-all approach – there are some circumstances which call for an adjustment in the way first aid is administered. Due to the associated anatomical and physiological changes, pregnancy is one such example where some changes should be made. Pregnancy can also cause rescuers to hesitate to administer first aid due to fears of harming the mother or baby – therefore it is important to know what steps to take in an emergency situation.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart


When a person has a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), the normal rhythm becomes disrupted and disorganised, which means their heart can’t beat properly and they won’t be able to breathe normally. For every minute that someone’s in cardiac arrest without receiving CPR and having a defibrillator used on them, their chance of survival decreases by 10%. That’s why it’s so important to act immediately.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

9 Best Workouts to Combat Heart Disease

With the knowledge that prevention and management through a healthy lifestyle are always preferable to having to take medication for a lifetime or ending up needing CPR when that heart gives out, here are nine of the best workouts you can do now to reduce your risk factors and reclaim your heart health.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Infant CPR: How to Save a Baby’s Life

A baby is less than 1/15 the size of the average adult. So, naturally, you should never perform Adult CPR on an infant. Instead, to save a baby’s life, you must learn Infant CPR and how it’s different. Read on to find out!

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Environmental Injury and Illnesses

Our growing quest for outdoor adventures often leads to injury and illness as a result of specific factors related to the environment that frequently require first aid care.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Traumatic Injuries

First aid providers are often called to assist with traumatic injuries. Knowing how to respond to a variety of situations is important for first aid providers. First aid responders are valuable in providing initial care and assisting more skilled providers in delivering care to the seriously injured persons.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Medical Problems

Medical problems can range from very minor to life-threatening emergencies. Rescuers trained in first aid must be prepared to respond appropriately.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Camping Granola Recipe

Whether you’re heading out to paddle for the day or planning to travel miles by foot, staying satisfied with good food and plenty of water is essential for happy moods and well-fueled bodies. This granola is a great meal that you can make for breakfast and eat hot or put together ahead of time and eat later as a high-energy snack.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Are you protected against yellow fever?

Yellow fever is prevalent in many areas of Africa and Central and South America. It is a serious disease that is transmitted by infected mosquitos. So named because it causes the skin to turn yellow or jaundiced in severe cases, yellow fever is estimated to cause 30,000 deaths each year.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Lightning Safety For Anglers

Many people think that golfers are at the greatest risk of injury from lightning. However, data shows that people out fishing were involved in three times as many fatalities as golfers.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

How To Recognize And Treat Diabetic Symptoms Outdoors

When we travel into the wilderness with someone who has diabetes, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, know how to provide treatment, and understand when we should evacuate someone.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Case Study: Nauseous In The Heat

You and three friends have been hiking 18-20 miles a day for three days in the desert. It’s been hard and hot, as anticipated. One of your companions has been lagging behind and eventually stops and sits by the side of the trail. He is sweaty and says he feels awful.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Wilderness Medicine For Mountain Bikers

With more mountain bikers hitting the trails, it is as important as ever that riders are prepared for an unexpected fall with the right knowledge to step forward. Here are 3 of the most common medical issues you may run into on the trails.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

5 Things To Check In Your First Aid Kit

Unpacking and checking the supplies in your first aid kit is a great way to be prepared if an injury comes up, or even to take care of blisters. It helps you refresh your memory on what’s in your first aid kit and how to use it, and you might notice that you need to replace or supplement your supplies. Revamp your first aid kit before a trip with these five tips.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Camping Recipe: No-Bake Energy Nuggets

When you're rushing out the door on your way to rock climbing session or long hike, these little energy bites are the perfect snacks to have on hand to munch in the car or on the trail. These No-Bake Energy Bites are an easy recipe you can make ahead of time so that, when it's time for your next adventure, you don't need to scramble for a snack.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

9 Hygiene Tips For Your Camp Kitchen

Telling your friends about the peak you climbed or the rapid you ran are the things you want to bring home from the backcountry—not a foodborne illness. Taking turns cooking is a part of camping, and it helps when everyone has the same routines for kitchen hygiene, especially for friends who are new to cooking in the outdoors.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Debunking Myths: What Should You Do If Someone Has Hypothermia?

When your core temperature drops below normal, with heat loss exceeding heat gain, hypothermia can result. It may be caused by winter weather, cold water immersion, or wind, rain and hail in summer. Recognizing the early stages of hypothermia is important, as is prevention, but what should you do if hypothermia occurs? Here we explores the truth behind common myths about treating hypothermia outdoors.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Advanced Cardiac Life Support ECG Rhythms

Advanced Cardiac Life Support is the preeminent course for healthcare professionals responsible for providing advanced cardiac care to patients in various in-facility and prehospital settings. Designed by experienced providers in conjunction with board-certified physicians and veteran ACLS instructors, this resource serves as an engaging and comprehensive approach to reviewing the core rhythms of ACLS practice.

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