Philip Swart Philip Swart

Water Safety Guidelines

Children love water and have a natural curiosity about it. Water play can be a fun activity, and learning to swim has many benefits. However, drowning is the third most common cause of death for Australian children aged one to 14. Children can drown quickly and silently – it only takes 20 seconds and a few centimetres of water. One- and two-year-old children are particularly at risk. Near-drownings can have catastrophic consequences, and lead to permanent disabilities.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

How to Perform Child & Baby CPR

Although you hope you'll never use cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for a child or infant, it's important to know the steps so that you can help in the event of a cardiac or breathing emergency. And although you may have taken a class in child CPR, it's a good idea to keep the steps handy so that the information stays fresh in your memory. With our printable step-by-step guide, you can access the child and baby CPR steps anytime, anywhere. Simply print them up and place them in your car, your desk, your kitchen or with your other first aid supplies, then read over them from time to time to help maintain your skills.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart


First Aid knowledge is invaluable for both you as the individual and for your community. It enables you to assist persons who become injured in the event of an accident or emergency situation until help arrives. First Aid skills can be applied in the home, the workplace or in public locations, therefore the more First Aid certified people there are in a community the safer that community becomes.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Pre-hospital Management of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a serious condition that may lead to long-term disabilities placing financial and social burden on patients and their families, as well as their communities. Spinal immobilization has been considered the standard prehospital care for suspected SCI patients. However, there is a lack of consensus on its beneficial impact on patients' outcome.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Sport Injuries

Sports injuries are common and can occur throughout your body to bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other structures. You can treat many minor injuries at home with rest, ice, compression, elevation and over-the-counter pain medications. But some injuries require medical treatment, such as immobilization, physical therapy and surgery.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Wilderness and Survival Tips and Tricks

Forget everything you’ve seen in TV shows and movies. Most of it is nonsense but all of these hacks are clever shortcuts to staying alive in the most extreme situations. These are tricks and tips that might just help you avoid and early death on your next outdoor adventure. The information is more geared to someone who accidentally stumbles into the forest with relatively little equipment – pretty much nothing but the clothes on their back and maybe a small pack with rations and common supplies.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Basic Wilderness Life Support

Basic Wilderness Life Support is a wilderness first responder course designed to provide an individual with an in-depth knowledge of wilderness medicine and the basic skills to treat the most common injuries and illnesses encountered in the wilderness.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Survival Mindset

The instinct to survive will never change, and neither will the human body’s amazing ability to endure. Yet we should also bear in mind that, as we become more civilized, survival skills are being forgotten. It is doubly important, therefore, to practise our survival skills, and be prepared for anything.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Injured and Painful Teeth

Dental problems are common and provoke considerable anxiety. Most people don't even think to learn about dental problems and procedures beforehand. Teeth may be subject to trauma along with other parts of the body.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Foot Problems With Backpacking

Foot problems in the wilderness can quickly become a much bigger issue. It is estimated that over 90% of hikers have experienced painful foot issues. Depending on how long the foot problem lasts, it can have an impact on a person’s ability to continue their backpacking experience.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

10 Natural Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is made in your liver and has many important functions. For example, it helps keep the walls of your cells flexible and is needed to make several hormones. However, like anything in the body, too much cholesterol creates concerns.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Health Information - Cholera

Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with Vibrio cholerae bacteria. People can get sick when they swallow food or water contaminated with cholera bacteria. The infection is often mild or without symptoms, but can sometimes be severe and life-threatening.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Pre-Hospital Gunshot Wound Care

Gunshot wounds involve the transfer of energy to a target. The damage that occurs is directly related to the amount of energy exchanged between the penetrating object and what it strikes, which relates to the projectile's mass and velocity.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

How to Apply a Combat Application Tourniquet

To be able to use a tourniquet effectively and ensure patient safety when using the device, there are considerations that should be understood. There are indications, directions for use and contraindications, all applicable for CAT tourniquet use.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Health Information - Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. It's usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries (atherosclerosis) and an increased risk of blood clots. CVD is one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide, but it can often largely be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Health Information - Motion Sickness

Are there some activities that you wish you could do, but you can't or don't because of the risk of motion sickness? Here are some facts that may help. Sea-sickness, car-sickness and airsickness are all forms of motion sickness.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Health Information - Jet Lag

Travelers who fly through different time zones are at risk for jet lag, a temporarily condition that occurs when the body adjusts to changes in light, temperature and climate.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Immunizations for Adventure Travellers

Wilderness and adventure travellers go to places where there are many different and dangerous diseases. It is essential to receive proper vaccinations when travelling. This article talks about some of the most important vaccines for world travel.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Travel Health

International travel is on the rise again, as millions of people travel for professional, social, recreational and humanitarian purposes each year. All travellers must prepare for the variety of health risks they can be exposed to in unfamiliar environments before, during and after they travel.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Technical Rope Work in Search and Rescue

Sometimes both access to and transport after stabilizing a patient will require the use of ropes and technical rope systems. Historically, rope rescue probably began when the first person tied a rope around their waist and either climbed up to or was lowered down to someone in need.

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