Introduction to Travel during Pregnancy
While pregnancy is a normal occurrence in life, travel during pregnancy is a multidimensional health issue requiring in-depth investigations.
Travel Health Tips for Families with Children
The best way to stay safe and healthy during your travel is to be informed and minimise the health dangers related to travel for work, business, or leisure.
Importance of Pre-Travel Preparation
For travellers, especially those venturing into remote or unfamiliar territories, understanding the importance of pre-travel preparation can significantly mitigate health risks and enhance the overall travel experience.
A Guide to Travel Medicine
The purpose of travel medicine is to protect the health of anyone while outside their environment and to minimize the dangers related to travel for work, trade, or leisure.
An Overview of Malaria
Malaria remains a global health issue, with thousands of cases annually reported. Endemic areas have been reported in roughly 100 countries within the tropical and subtropical regions.
The Importance of Scuba Diving First Aid Training
Many diving organisations include basic first aid and emergencies in their scuba training, but experienced divers should expand their knowledge with emergency first response primary and secondary first aid courses.
Overview of Common Diving-Related Health Issues
The underwater environment presents unique health risks that divers must understand to ensure their safety.
5 Common Wilderness-Related Injuries
Wilderness adventures, from hiking to camping and rock climbing, offer incredible experiences but also expose individuals to various risks.
Introduction to Wilderness Medicine
This guide is designed to provide essential information on wilderness medicine for those working as outdoor guides or embarking on adventurous travels.
Home Flood Preparedness
Home flooding can be a severe safety hazard for both a neighbourhood and a person’s and family's well-being. In areas around the country and the world, flooding is a danger in many places from the mountains to the lower flatlands.
Natural Disaster Preparedness: Strategies and Best Practices
Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes, can damage structures containing asbestos, releasing harmful fibres into the air.
Comprehensive Guide to Dive-related Medical Conditions
Understanding dive-related medical conditions is crucial for divers to ensure their safety and well-being. By familiarizing ourselves with these conditions, we can learn how to prevent, recognize, and manage them and minimizing the potential hazards associated with diving.
Treatment of Jellyfish Stings
Jellyfish encounters are a common and important aspect for anyone who spends time in the sea or ocean. The number of jellyfish sting cases reported annually has begun to rise.
Exploring the Causes and Responses to Marine Life Emergencies
A marine life emergency occurs when there are significant negative changes in an ocean ecosystem, such as environmental shifts, toxic spills, or natural phenomena that harm marine life.
Introduction to Scuba Dive First Aid
Scuba Dive First Aid has been a steadily growing field of first aid from the very beginning of recreational diving. One of the unwanted truths of diving is that things can go wrong very fast, almost without any warning.
Advancements in Malaria Prevention and Vaccination
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted through infected mosquitoes. It disproportionately affects vulnerable populations in 91 countries, particularly in Africa.
An Overview of Tropical Diseases
Tropical diseases are a globally known phenomenon, with a focus on poverty-stricken populations in developing countries—a situation largely ignored by pharmaceutical companies.
Medical Considerations for Solo Adventurers
The thrill of solo adventuring lies in fulfilling personal curiosities and goals. Travelling alone can provide moments of personal growth and self-discovery that are difficult to access when adventuring in groups.
Key Skills and Knowledge Required in Expedition Medicine
Practising medicine on expedition medicine trips and in remote locations requires a particular, distinct set of skills.
Challenges Faced in Remote and Extreme Environments
Expedition medicine is the practice of medicine in remote, isolated, or extreme environments where there is little or no access to standard medical facilities or personnel.