Basic Wilderness Life Support

Basic Wilderness Life Support is a wilderness first responder course designed to provide an individual with an in-depth knowledge of wilderness medicine and the basic skills to treat the most common injuries and illnesses encountered in the wilderness. This course is appropriate for those who spend a lot of time in remote locations (professionally or recreationally). The methods and protocols presented in this online class follow the Wilderness Medical Society guidelines for this certification and are specific to a wilderness setting.

The Wilderness Medical Society defines wilderness as a remote geographical location more than one hour from definitive care.


1. Evaluate the need for an appropriate method to transport a patient, including spinal immobilization.
2. Understand the documentation for emergencies in a wilderness setting.
3. Classify wilderness settings and attribute the need for remote medical assessments and procedures.
4. Execute a thorough assessment of a patient’s injuries and illnesses in remote settings.
5. Demonstrate effective procedures of treatment for a variety of injuries and illnesses in remote settings.
6. Organize an effective evacuation plan for a patient in a remote setting.

The BWLS curriculum is written in-house by a team of medical and rescue professionals and researchers. We do the research and find the evidence supporting this unique approach to medicine in austere settings. The curriculum is comprehensive, complete, and kept current on an annual basis. We believe that this is the most relevant and peer-supported curriculum for remote and extreme environments in the world.

It is ideal for non-medical professionals who spend a lot of time in the outdoors and remote locations. This includes adventures, travellers, campers, climbers, paddlers, guides and anyone else. We now offer full certification for the Basic Wilderness Life Support course online. This means that you can do it on your own time, at your own pace, from anywhere in the world (with an internet connection).

For more information on the course, CLICK HERE.


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