Burn Wounds and The Rule of 9
The rule of nines is a method doctors and emergency medical providers use to easily calculate the treatment needs of a person who’s been burned.
Honey for Wound Healing
Honey has been used as a wound dressing for thousands of years, but only in more recent times has a scientific explanation become available for its effectiveness.
What is an IFAK and why do you need one
IFAK usually means “Individual First Aid Kit”, or “Improved First Aid Kit”. It is designed to address immediate life threats such as massive haemorrhage (bleeding out), airway and breathing issues, hypothermia etc.
How To Stop a Bleed
Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from trauma. No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene.
A Beginner’s Guide To Outdoor First Aid
Many lovers of the great outdoors spend more time learning survival tips they're very unlikely to need than they do learning simple, essential first-aid practices. While these tips might not seem as glamorous, you'll be happy you know them when you're out amongst nature with no phone signal.
Why You Should Take A Wilderness First Aid Course
What if you, a friend, or a family member, get sick or injured in the wilderness and you don't have easy access to medical care? Here are a few reasons why wilderness first aid training is the perfect next step for your outdoor adventures.
3 First Aid Skills Everyone Should Know
First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or promote recovery.
Do’s and Don’ts for Ticks in the Outdoors
For such tiny insects, ticks can transmit a lot of dangerous diseases, including Lyme, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Powassan virus and Tularemia.
Kilimanjaro Gear List
Looking for a Kilimanjaro packing list? Look no further.
Trekking Kilimanjaro can be daunting, and it is important that you have the correct gear to accommodate every condition and situation you may find yourself in.
5 Stress Free Travel Tips
Travel is a wonderfully weird activity – it can bring you great amounts of joy, whilst simultaneously making your stress levels soar as you fight your way through crowds and adapt to a new environment.
Training To Climb Kilimanjaro
How To Be Perfectly Prepared For The Summit? Training to climb Kilimanjaro is as much about your physical endurance as it is about your mental stamina.
How to Build Your Own Emergency Kit
It pays to be ready and better prepared. Recent disasters around the world and close to home highlight that you may need to be self-sufficient anywhere from three to ten days, even or more.
Acclimatization and Altitude Sickness – How To Prepare And What You Need To Know
This guide is particularly useful for hikers looking to climb Kilimanjaro, hike the Inca Trail or trek in Nepal on famous hikes like the Everest B.C. trek or in the Annapurna region.
A Guide to Water Filters
There is a wide range of water treatment systems out there that are specifically developed for outdoor activities and travelling. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. This article provides a complete overview of the different water treatment methods and when to use them.
Water Awareness
Before taking your children to the pool, beach or lakeside, teach them these 10 basic water safety tips to ensure a safe and pleasant water experience.
Wilderness First Aid & Health
When journeying into the wilderness it is important to carry a complete first aid kit and book. It is also wise to take a first aid course. A good diet, cleanliness and appropriate clothing will lower the risk of harmful situations.
Car breakdown: How to prepare in advance
Car breakdowns can sometimes be unavoidable and you may find it is either inconvenient or dangerous to stop when you experience one.