Basic Travel Tips

What you should do every time you travel.

1. Do not stand out: dress inconspicuously and avoid displaying jewellery or valuables such as laptop computers or cameras.

2. Do not carry large sums of cash.

3. Familiarise yourself with your destination - the layout of the city and important routes – and be vigilant.

4. Always carry a charged phone programmed with useful numbers - your hotel, local colleagues, police, or embassy.

5. When out and about, keep a safe distance from large, unpredictable crowds – demonstrations or political rallies - and avoid commotions on the street.

6. Do not give out personal information and don't discuss your plans with strangers.

7. Memorise useful local phrases (please, thank you, yes, no, how much, stop here, etc.).

8. Do not drink to excess: it is likely to reduce your level of awareness and judgment.

9. Do not accept food or drinks from strangers: keep your food and drink in sight when socialising.

10. Carry cash in more than one pocket, and keep a small amount in a top pocket to hand over to a criminal who confronts you. A dummy wallet – with a small amount of local currency, an expired credit card and some useless receipts – can be useful to satisfy a mugger.

11. If walking in public, carry small denominations of currency and keep the bulk of cash and cards in a money belt, which should only be accessed in private places.

12. If you suspect that you are being followed, enter any busy public place and call for help.


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