10 Essential Adventure Travel Tips
Are you dreaming of your next big adventure? Whether you’re planning to trek through the Himalayas or explore the Amazon rainforest, proper preparation is key to a successful and safe journey.
Considerations For A Medevac
Both involve transporting an injured or sick casualty away from the initial point of care (often in a wilderness setting) to a more definitive and secure location for more advanced treatment.
Mental Health on Expeditions
In the context of operating in challenging outdoor environments, mental health can be viewed from two opposing perspectives.
Managing Pain on Expedition
Whether travelling alone on an expedition or as part of a larger expedition team, pain management on the expedition is a key factor in any medic’s armoury of medical kit.
Signs and Treatment of Asthma
During the warmer months, pollen count and air pollution levels increase which may increase the chances of an asthma attack for some people.
What Should I Put In My First Aid Kit?
A common question during our First Aid courses is “What should I put in my first Aid Kit?” Although there are various lists of suggested content, students are always interested in our opinion as trainers too.
Tick Removal and Lyme Disease
Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of birds and mammals, including humans. They may carry a range of pathogens that are then transmitted to the host when they bite.
5 Steps for Dealing With Infant and Child Choking
Choking occurs when a foreign object blocks the airway. In first aid, individuals who have not yet reached puberty are considered to be children and infants are between 0 and 12 months old.
Understanding and Helping Someone with Asthma
Asthma can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Around 1200 people die every year in the UK as a result of asthma. In this article, we will explain asthma, how to recognise its signs and symptoms, and how it can be treated in a first-aid setting.
Hydro Gels for Burns and Blisters
We are often asked about Burn Gels and Blister Plasters during our first aid courses. What do they do, should we put them in our first aid kit?
4 Steps To Treat Sunburn
When it comes to sunburn we know that prevention is better than a cure and that we should avoid becoming sunburnt in the first place, but accidents happen, and here are 4 tips for treating sunburn.
8 Facts About Sunscreens
The rate of melanoma diagnosis is increasing. The consensus among scientists is that sunscreens alone cannot reverse this trend. Yet a good sunscreen can play a role in preventing sunburns – a major risk factor for melanoma – provided you use it correctly.
How a Wilderness Medicine Certification Course is Beneficial for Professional & Personal Development
Regardless of your speciality and clinical setting as a medical professional, Wilderness Medicine Certification courses can greatly enhance professional and personal development.
Common Hiking Injuries And How To Treat Them
We hear about hikers getting hurt, lost, and sometimes dying all the time. We know there is a risk of injury if you don’t take the proper safety measures in the backcountry. Nature is, for the most part, not controlled by humans. The best thing we can do as hikers is to avoid injury as much as possible.
Mount Aconcagua - Don’t Become The Patient
Mount Aconcagua is the tallest mountain in the world outside the Himalayas and the second tallest of the classic “seven summits.” It is a part of the Andes Mountain Range in the Mendoza region of Argentina, soaring to a height of 6,962 meters.
Women Staying Hygienic in the Outdoors
What do you get when you join an all-women ski expedition to the top of Mt. Baker? Good views, tired legs, sunburned noses, and a whole lot of talk on women’s health in the wild.
Joining Search And Rescue
Search and rescue (SAR) is a generic term which covers finding and providing aid to the lost, missing, stranded, ill or injured. It covers a range of responses including urban SAR (usually natural or man-made disasters), wilderness and mountain rescue, to the Coastguard for ocean-based missions.
Basic Hypothermia Care
Attempting treatment while still exposed to the elements is bringing a knife to a gunfight. No amount of emergency blankets, hot packs, or calorie gels will be effective if the body is actively losing more heat than you can provide.
How To Use A Compass
Although it might seem outdated, a compass is the best navigation tool money can buy. There are a few reasons why it’s an essential item. No matter where you are, a compass can point you in the right direction. On top of that, a compass works independently of anything else.
How to Prepare Yourself For Medical Emergencies
Accidents can happen when you least expect it. Unlike other emergencies, medical emergencies are difficult to prepare for despite being the most likely to happen. Medical emergencies often require immediate attention and quick response times therefore it is essential to have the necessary training and equipment on-hand.