Philip Swart Philip Swart

Patient Carry: Non-Rigid Litters

Carrying people is hard work. Carrying them with a litter makes the task easier. Non-Rigid litters are lighter and easier to store than their rigid counterparts, but they are harder to use.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Hypothermia Prevention In Trauma

Hypothermia prevention in trauma is a critical and often missed lifesaving piece of emergency medical training. Once a casualty’s massive haemorrhage is controlled, rescuers must turn their attention to the rest of the M-A-R-C-H pneumonic, specifically, to hypothermia prevention.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Visual Estimation of Blood Loss

Having a sense of how much blood a trauma patient “spilt” on the ground can be very helpful for understanding and estimating the casualty’s potential for shock. Unfortunately, accurate visual estimation of blood loss and external blood volume is very challenging.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Junctional Haemorrhage Control

The term “junctional haemorrhage” refers to injuries and bleeding occurring at the transition zones between the extremities and the torso. Although not an extremity, the neck is generally included in this category.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Sucking Chest Wounds

Although the open pneumothorax or “sucking chest wound” is dramatic in appearance, it is rarely fatal. The principle here is although air enters the chest wall defect (eg, a gunshot wound) during inspiration, it also blows out on expiration.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

27 Considerations For A Wilderness First Aid Kit

There’s no such thing as the perfect first aid kit, so you should consider your needs, including the length of your trip, the size of your group, and where you will be traveling, and then build a kit that meets them.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Wilderness Survival

Every year mishaps occur that result in individuals being stuck out in the wilderness overnight. Ski accidents, lost hikers, injured hunters. A lot of things can happen suddenly that result in you having to spend the night outdoors while waiting for search and rescue to find you.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

What is Stop the Bleed?

Since the inception of the Stop the Bleed initiative, hundreds of thousands of non-medically trained laypersons have taken short courses in bleeding control.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Beware Fake CAT Tourniquets on Amazon

When it comes to emergency medical equipment, most of us know better than to price-shop, yet thousands of fake “CAT” tourniquets are sold on Amazon, eBay, and similar sites. Counterfeit tourniquets are known to fail.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Should Hemostatics Be Included In Bleeding Control Kits?

You’re building a bleeding control kit. You’ve done the research and have covered the basics — picked out a tourniquet, selected a pressure bandage, compressed gauze, gloves and shears. You may have even taken a wound-packing or Bleeding Control course that taught you core techniques for controlling traumatic bleeding. But the question remains; “Should I add a hemostatic to my kit?”

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Snake Bite Treatment

Worldwide, it is estimated there are a minimum of 1 to 2 million annual snakebite “incidents”. This number includes bites by non-venomous species. Of that number, roughly 50,000 to 100,000 bites result in fatalities worldwide.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Snake bites

Snake bites kill more than 120,000 people each year and leave another 400,000 with life-changing disabilities, mostly in the poorest communities. Every 5 minutes approximately 50 people are bitten by a snake, of whom 25 people will be envenomed, 4 will be permanently disabled and 1 will die.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Mental Health on Expeditions

Awareness of mental health is improving, however it still has a long way to go as illustrated by some of the statistics below.  One in four people in Britain will experience a mental health problem in any given year and this background prevalence means that it is almost certain that someone within in your expedition, whether this is a member of staff or a participant, will have a mental health condition. Therefore it is important to know how best you can help!

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Wound Care During Expeditions

Wounds are a common occurrence on expedition, and being able to manage a wide range of presentations is an important skill for an expedition medic to possess. In some climates, particularly tropical environments, wound healing can be delayed and there is an increased risk of skin breakdown and infection.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

First Responder Guide for Improving Survivability

Recent improvised explosive device (IED) and active shooter incidents reveal that some traditional practices of first responders need to be realigned and enhanced to improve survivability of victims and the safety of first responders caring for them.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Why You Need a Home First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is an essential item for any home, office, or vehicle. It contains a range of supplies and equipment that can be used in case of accidents or emergencies. A well-stocked first aid kit can help you provide basic medical care to yourself or others until more advanced medical treatment is available.

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Philip Swart Philip Swart

Traumatic Hemostasis Techniques

Bleeding refers to the rupture of blood vessels leading to the flow of blood outside the blood vessels. After trauma, the easiest and most common thing that occurs is bleeding. Severe trauma often causes massive bleeding that endangers the lives of the injured. Effective and timely hemostasis for the injured person at the scene is a necessary measure to save lives.

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