Seasickness: Preventions and Treatments

Every year, millions of people are affected by water-related incidents, regardless of the type of water transportation undertaken (and the weather conditions). There are various degrees of seasickness, ranging from mild queasiness to extreme nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

Travellers may never experience seasickness symptoms, while others may become ill during a simple ferry ride on calm waters. It is important to remember that with proper preparation and understanding, many symptoms can be prevented or treated and that seasickness should not prevent you from taking any type of trip you desire.

The Drake Passage, the notorious crossing between South America and Antarctica, can also be conquered with adequate preparation and/or medication.

If you have a history of seasickness or are worried you may experience it, plan for your trip. Consider a larger ship (with onboard stabilizers) if possible, and request a window cabin on a lower deck close to the ship's centre. During rough seas, you should stay above deck (to see the horizon) and go outside occasionally (if safety is not an issue).

While dining on board, aim to eat lightly, staying away from heavy or greasy foods, sweets, and alcohol when possible. Foods like green apples (Granny Smith) and salted crackers may help mild symptoms, as can ginger-based lozenges, extracts, and teas. Many ships even routinely stock these items for travelers.

There are also a variety of modern techniques and medicines to help prevent or treat sea sickness.

Non-drug methods like the Sea Band wristbands (that exert pressure on the nei-kuan pressure point) are very popular. There is even an app called Nevasic, an audio program that promises symptom relief—downloadable to your phone or tablet.

If you prefer over-the-counter or doctor-prescribed medication, there are several options.

Dramamine (dimenhydrinate), the most well-known, is a 24-hour option that comes in regular or non-drowsy formulas, for both children and adults and should be taken before travel begins to be most effective.

Bonine (meclizine), another common OTC option, is used in the same way as Dramamine with similar side effects like drowsiness.

The most common prevention for more severe seasickness is Transderm Scop (scopolamine), a small round patch placed on the skin just behind the ear. Applied eight hours before travel, the patch can last up to three days and can be amazingly effective for many users.

Like other medications though, it too can have side effects, ranging from dry mouth and drowsiness to dizziness and blurred vision.

Once the patch is removed, the side effects usually wear off quickly. It has often been called the “must-have” companion in areas of the world with known rough seas. And there are even more options in the form of stronger, doctor-prescribed medications that are now available, should you need them.

The best way to know how, and what you might need, is to visit your doctor before your trip to discuss what is the best option for you—based on your past travel history and the type of cruise travel you have planned.

Plan ahead and bon voyage!


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