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Survival Mindset

The instinct to survive will never change, and neither will the human body’s amazing ability to endure. Yet we should also bear in mind that, as we become more civilized, survival skills are being forgotten. It is doubly important, therefore, to practise our survival skills, and be prepared for anything.

Survival training is the best insurance policy you can take out in an unstable world. If we are all grounded in the basic techniques of survival and know what to do in an emergency, the world immediately becomes a safer place. You could be isolated anywhere in the world—from the arctic ice to a desert, from tropical rainforest to the open ocean, and the problems of survival are the same for both soldiers and civilians. The difference lies in the circumstances; soldiers may need to hide their presence, whereas civilians will want to attract attention to effect their rescue. In areas of instability, where the risk of kidnap is high, it may be best to remain inconspicuous.

Each environment calls for special survival techniques. Mountains, jungles, open plains and swamps can seem hazardous to the survivor, but each offers some form of support and can be exploited for food, fuel, water and shelter—if you know how. The effect of climate is crucial. Intense cold and searing heat challenge the survivor in different ways. You must know how to cope with both. You also need a sense of how your body works and how it will react in different environments and situations.

Assess yourself before you travel: for instance, test your basic survival skills by sleeping outside, making sure that you can light a fire, and even going without sleep or food for a period of time. This will show you how you react in a limited simulated scenario. Survival depends upon applying basic principles and adapting them to the circumstances. These basic principles form an essential pyramid of learning for the survivor.

Although initially, it may take great physical effort to escape a dangerous situation, survival is above all a mental exercise. After the excitement of the incident and the rush of adrenalin has settled it takes great mental resolve to carry on. What keeps us going is the basic instinct, best referred to as the will to live.

Will to Live

This is the firm foundation on which we build all of our training. We constantly try to nourish and increase the will to live. It’s easy to see how physically fit we are but very difficult to know how mentally fit we are.

The Will to Live (WTL) means never giving in, regardless of the situation. It’s very reassuring to know that there is nothing on this earth that we cannot deal with, and there is no place where we cannot survive. As long as we follow the basic survival principles, prepare ourselves, and apply this WTL, we will come through. Some people have a stronger will than others, but we can all improve.

Some of us turn to religion in times of stress, while others think of loved ones. Fear of failure or letting down comrades all help to strengthen our WTL. Reading about past exploits of survival will also help. You can have all the knowledge and kit in the world but without the will to live you can still perish.


On top of our foundation, we have knowledge. The more we know the easier it is to survive. Knowledge dispels fear. Look at the locals and see how they survive. Talk to people who have endured and learn from their experiences. On a practical level, ensure you are fully informed about the medical infrastructure in the particular region you are travelling in and know exactly how the emergency services operate.


The tip of our pyramid of learning is equipment. We keep this to a minimum and have a thorough knowledge of its uses and capabilities. There are essential items that you should never leave home without, including your Survival tin, knife, compass and a radio/phone. Remember, however, that you must also focus on what nature can provide to protect you as, ultimately, any kit must be considered a bonus. It is important that you know how to improvise and use your surroundings to sustain you when faced with a survival situation.

Maintaining health is of primary importance to the survivor. Do not take any unnecessary risks which could lead to injury. Aim at a varied and balanced diet and make sure that you get adequate rest.

In the initial stages of the survival situation, none of these may be possible but, once you have a camp established, food sources and water found, a disciplined approach will enable you to conserve energy and resources. Away from people, you are not exposed to contagious infections, unless you brought them with you. Although some diseases are insect-or waterborne, sensible precautions— especially boiling water and properly cooking food—will protect you from many infections.

Extreme climatic conditions bring their own dangers and an awareness of symptoms will help you to treat yourself and others. Inexperience or bad luck may lead to injury, however careful you are, and an understanding of practical first aid—improvising where medical equipment is not available—is a basic survival skill. In accident situations, such improvisation may be the first key to survival for those involved, when rapid action is essential. Any expedition should have at least one person with suitable specialized medical knowledge—but EVERYONE should know how to deal with basic injuries, disorders and diseases.

It is essential that you use your own judgement in the application of survival methods. The tests for plant foods, for instance, are the only sure way of being certain whether a particular fruit or leaf is safe or poisonous. The average person is unlikely to come to any harm if they follow the method carefully, but there is always an element of risk. Individual responses to poisons vary—even small quantities of toxic substances can be very dangerous to some people. Some of the traps described are also very dangerous. They can inflict injury to you if handled carelessly and should never be left unattended where other people may come to harm.

I will always advise that you keep in mind the need to conserve our environment, avoid cruelty to animals and be aware that some survival techniques may contravene local bylaws. While a knife is a useful item in the wild, remain aware of contemporary knife laws. Remember, in the difference when survival situations for self-preservation are paramount, risks may be involved which would be foolish even to consider under normal circumstances.

Disclaimer: This information has been developed for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Should you have questions or concerns about any topic described here, please consult your healthcare professional.